Madness and Women
in the park
his latest girlfriend used her good looks to get whatever she wanted from people.
she manipulated everyone with an angry and ruthless vengeance.
it was too late for him since he was already under her spell.
he thought she might have sadistic tendencies.
for instance he imagines they finish having sex and she tells him he has three-minutes to get out of her bedroom.
he stays in bed with her after the three minute deadline to see what will happen.
she begins to grind her lit cigarette on the top of his hand.
she asks “what part of the words three minutes didn’t you understand?”
one time they sat on swings in a park.
an ambulance raced by with its siren blasting and faded down the street.
she asked why they always had to sound like that.
it reminded her of her parents dying in a car crash when she was five and her sister was three.
she also said her sister was raped and strangled to death in a motel a year ago.
another ambulance passed by.
she confessed she never stops thinking about them and "didn't want to live anymore now that she was alone."
he tried to console her with God works in strange ways.
she stood up and said if God were there right now she'd spit in His face.
after that incident he realized he had it all wrong.
she wouldn’t burn his hand because he stayed too long in bed with her.
she’d be too busy grinding the lit cigarette’s fire into her own skin.